Welcome to Plants Heal

We are a group of people who love life. We come from different philosophies and each of us has walked a unique path of healing. We have studied, gathered experience, and each of us is committed to a process of healing the mind, body and spirit. We have joined together to bring you a wealth of information and the best of our personal experience, in order to accompany each and every one of you as you move forward upon your unique path of healing.

Each of us has connected to nature and the healing power of plants in many different ways. We all hold the belief that Gaia, Mother Earth, provides for our needs, assisting us in healing so that we may grow and thrive. Gaia conducts reciprocal relations with humanity as a whole, and knows each of us on a personal level. The more we become aware of this relationship, the more potent the process of healing becomes - both on a personal and comprehensive level.

Most of us live in Israel, which is a micro-cosmos of the cosmos. This is an extremely unique country in many ways. Throughout history, people from all religions and cultures have come to this tiny yet significant geographic area. Israel bridges East and West, and throughout human history many different cultures have brought to this country herbs, spices and foods from all over the globe. The climate here is extremely diverse, making it easy to grow a wide selection of foods and herbs. When we grow our own plants, they learn to “read” our physical, emotional and spiritual, and then emulate what it is we need in order to heal.

This website is devoted to all who seek to learn how to use plants - vegetables, fruit, spices and herbs - to nourish themselves and their loved ones. There will be those who choose to grow their own plants and others who prefer to purchase what they need. Both strategies work well. This website brings innovative information regarding many different physical ailments and discusses how to heal mind, body and spirit using food, herbs and supplements. We also provide an abundance of healing and delicious recipes to prepare, and information on how to create household and personal care products. We have here a wealth of information regarding the medicinal qualities of plants and how to use them, and for those who want to grow their own plants, we will give you the best of our personal experience.

This is the place to mention that the information in this site does not replace medical advice. We believe in integrating different disciplines, because all methods of healing hold tremendous importance.

So, let us join hands and learn how to live in a safer and healthier world, thankful for the many gifts that Gaia provides, specially designed to meet our needs.


Knowing the cause of disease is half the battle. The second half is knowing what to do. If you have these two pieces, you are going to get better. Anthony William

  • How to Fast Safely

    Intermittent fasting has become a popular practice in recent years, and has helped many people achieve better health and loose weight, but there are also some disadvantages to this trend that can negatively impact your health for the future. In order to make a wise decision to know if intermittent fasting is right for you, it is important to look at the pros and cons, but before we go into...

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  • Is coffee good/bad for you?

    Today, more than ever, caffeinated products, such as matcha tea, coffee (including decaffeinated coffee), and chocolate have become popular foods that are being promoted as healthy, anti-aging, and good for us when consumed in moderation. As a long-time coffee drinker, I decided to take a closer look at the subject and see what Anthony William had to say. What I learned was eye-opening,...

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  • Herbs and Foods that Heal the Prostate

    The prostate is a walnut-sized gland located between the bladder and the penis, positioned directly in front of the rectum. The prostate is an integral part of the male reproductive system in that it helps to produce some of the fluid that nourishes and protects the sperm.There are several prostate conditions that often becomes more common as men grow older: Prostatitis, an enlarged prostate,...

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  • How to heal gout with food

    Gout is a condition marked by swollen, painful joints, accompanied by acute pain, most commonly in the big toe or foot. However, gout can also manifest as acute pain in the ankles, knees, elbows, fingers and/or hands. This can be a hard disease to diagnose in that the clinical picture is very similar to that of arthritis, leading some health professionals to believe that gout is actually...

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  • How to avoid and heal Alzheimer's naturally

    Alzheimer’s is a degenerative disease characterized by memory loss, language problems, and unpredictable behavior. People with Alzheimer’s have difficulty doing everyday things like driving a car, cooking a meal, or paying bills. They may ask the same questions repeatedly, get lost easily, lose things or put things in odd places. As the disease progresses, some people become worried,...

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  • And how to heal

    Despite the fact that migraines are extremely common, they are not very well understood by most practitioners, and, therefore, can be difficult to treat. Migraines are a neurological disease characterized by head pain and symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, sensitivity to touch, sound, light, and odors. Migraines can also be accompanied by abdominal pain and mood swings, especially...

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  • What causes kidney disease, kidney stones and kidney failure?

    Our body has different ways of filtering the blood and clearing out toxins from the body, and the kidneys play an essential role in this filtration system. When toxins enters our body, it is first processed in the liver, and then the toxins are passed along to the kidneys and intestinal tract for elimination.The kidneys are like a strong pouch that has an external and internal “thick...

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  • Infertility, Pregnancy, and Postpartum

    Often the mere thought of wanting to have a baby can awaken the best and worst in us. Sometimes pregnancy can catch us by surprise, creating a whirlwind of emotions, and other times we start off excited and hopeful, only to realize that things are not going as smoothly as we would like.So much happens behind the scenes when a soul decides to enter this world. The relationship between a mother...

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  • The answer to beauty lies within

    The appearance of our skin, hair and nails often can tell us much more than we realize. The skin, hair and nails is the largest organ of the body, and is our first line of defense against microbes and the external elements. The condition of our skin, hair and nails can reveal to us much of what is going on, deep inside our bodies.When faced with skin, hair and nail problems we often...

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  • How to stay healthy

    Our immune system is our first line of defense against illness and disease. When our immune system is compromised, we are subject to a long list of potential problems. We often take our immune system for granted or are told that our immune system has turned against us or is not capable of repairing itself or healing. This could not be farther from the truth. Our physical body is truly amazing...

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  • Factors that lead to addiction, and how to heal

    Often when we think of additions, drugs, cigarettes, and food come to mind. We are less aware that behaviors and thoughts are also extremely addictive, to the point that it interferes with free will. When I stopped to examine what my addictions were, I was surprised to discover how many destructive habits and thought patterns I held. These patterns exist within our subconscious psyche,...

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  • Factors that lead to addiction, and how to heal

    In our previous article on addictions, we discussed the two principle factors that stand behind all addictions – Glucose and adrenaline. Our bodies run on glucose, and in order to function properly, we need a steady supply of good quality glucose, supplied by fruit and starchy vegetables.Adrenaline, a hormone that is essential for our survival, is produced by the adrenal glands,...

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  • How to Heal Adrenal Fatigue Naturally

    The adrenal glands are positioned above the kidneys, and produce important hormones to help us through times of stress. This is often termed the Fight Flight Freeze response. However, when we are in a continual state of stress - dealing with an illness, divorce, financial difficulties, etc. this can create a heavy burden on the adrenals, and they often begin to function sporadically - either...

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  • Healing ADD, ADHD and Autism Naturally

    Today we are dealing with a growing spectrum of learning disabilities that are often categorized as Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Asperger Syndrome and Autism. There are many different disciplines and ways to treat these disorders, and it often seems like everyone has a different opinion. When we, as the parents of these children, connect with our inner knowing and intuition,...

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  • How to support our children's health naturally

    I’d like to dedicate this article to my children, my grandchildren, and all of those mothers out there. A devoted mother is the best ally anyone could wish for. Let’s focus for a few minutes on what we can do to support our children’s health, and help them flourish and enjoy the many gifts of nature.The importance of the immune systemWhen discussing children’s health,...

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  • How to combat chronic dehydration naturally?

    Babies and small children’s bodies contain approximately 75-78% water, while the elderly have only 50% body water. Is this a natural process of aging or the result of chronic dehydration that gets worse as we age?Often we are chronically dehydrated without being aware of it. This can occur without feeling thirsty, or even when we drink a lot of fluids throughout the day. The body is...

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  • Healing EBV and autoimmune disease natrually

    Autoimmune disease is a relatively recent phenomenon, occurring only in the last 100 years. What is it in the modern way of living that has brought us autoimmune disease? What has changed? Modern medicine, in regards to autoimmune disease, has very little to offer, but that’s only because the cause behind the disease is still a mystery. We have come a long way in recognizing...

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  • Healing the Digestive System Naturally

    The digestive system is a complex and mysterious system; we still have much to learn about how the body takes food and transforms it into the life-giving substances that feed and nourish us. The digestive system begins with the mouth and ends with the rectum. Most of the digestive system resides within the solar plexus, where our gut instincts are found, the chakra where the ego and cosmic...

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  • Chelating Heavy Metals Naturally

    Something is going on! Have you ever wondered why so many diseases are on the rise? Why do we have such a higher incidence of diseases like diabetes today, or experience new diseases such as ALS and types of cancer that didn’t even exist 100 years ago? Why are small children often susceptible to diseases like chronic ear infections or celiac, or why are they are challenged with learning...

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  • How to treat strep naturally

    When lab results show that we are infected with Streptococcus, our doctors usually write us a prescription for antibiotics. But what exactly is streptococcus and are antibiotics always the best solution? It’s time to rethink how we view Strep infections.For most people, streptococcus first appears in early childhood as a sore throat or chronic ear infection. Most recurring...

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  • How to lose weight naturally

    I’ve always found it puzzling - How is it that some people don’t seem to have a problem with weight loss, regardless of what they eat, while others really struggle with losing weight? Why is it that diets seem to help for a while, and then the weight seems to slowly creep back on?We can often feel extremely frustrated regarding weight loss; we can do everything we’re told,...

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  • A diet for creating maxium change

    Our bodies love us, unconditionally. Our bodies do not judge us or hold on to resentment. Our bodies work hard, day in and day out to keep us going. Our immune systems are constantly on the lookout for invaders and pathogens that might harm us, while finding ways to excrete toxins and repair any damage done due to injury or bad habits.Because our bodies are so wonderful, we often take its...

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  • How to Heal Liver Disease Naturally

    The liver is truly an amazing organ. One of the things that make the liver so unique is its ability to regenerate liver tissue following a loss of liver mass - much like a gecko can regrow its tail. The liver is located on the right side of the body, strategically placed in close proximity to the digestive system. This location allows the liver to function as a biochemical defense against...

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  • Healing Diabetes Naturally

    How is it that some people can watch their diet carefully, they still have a hard time managing good blood sugar levels?Is it possible to reverse diabetes after you’ve been diagnosed?What are the real causes behind diabetes, and is it possible to normalize blood sugar levels without medication?The traditional approach to diabetes has been that sugar is the primary instigator, and that...

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  • Is apple cider vinegar good for you?

    Over the years I have heard of using apple cider vinegar as a remedy for heartburn, bloating, weight loss, and I’ve even heard claims that it is effective for balancing blood sugar. Many years ago I tried drinking a tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar in a glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning, but something about it didn’t feel right. I now know why.Acetic acid...

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  • The Healing Qualities of High-quality Raw Honey

    What is High-quality Raw HoneyHoney is a wild food made from nectar. It is often referred to as “liquid gold” due to its powerful healing properties and its ability to turn your life around. Honey has been consumed by human beings for thousands of years and was considered a sacred food by the ancient Egyptians.Raw honey means the honey is not filtered, strained, or heated...

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  • Who should supplement, who should not. Fish oil vs. vegan EPA/DHA supplements

    What Are Omega Fats?Omega fats are polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) that are essential for the body, we cannot produce them ourselves, meaning, they must come from our diet. Omega fats play a crucial role in brain function, heart health, inflammation control, and cell membrane structure, however, contrary to popular belief, we only need a small amount of these fats in our diet.The three...

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