Advantages and Disadvantages of Vinegar

Is apple cider vinegar good for you?

Over the years I have heard of using apple cider vinegar as a remedy for heartburn, bloating, weight loss, and I’ve even heard claims that it is effective for balancing blood sugar. Many years ago I tried drinking a tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar in a glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning, but something about it didn’t feel right. I now know why.

Acetic acid and gut bacteria

All types of vinegar contain acetic acid, which is created by bacteria. When acetic acid binds with salt, it becomes a preservative that “pickles” our internal organs, much like it pickles vegetables. In addition to this, when acetic acid is added to acids produced by unproductive bacteria in the gut, it can worsen any existing symptoms and conditions.

For example, if you experience frequent urinary tract infections (UTIs), prostate, gallbladder infections, sinus, gum, or ear infections, bacterial vaginosis (BV), yeast, sore or strep throat, appendicitis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), bloating, styes, acne, skin cysts, and boils, conjunctivitis, and pink eye - most likely streptococcus bacteria is the culprit. Strep bacteria thrive in an acidic environment, and when we add more acid to the body, like the acetic acid in vinegar, this exacerbates the problem, helping strep bacteria to stay strong and harm the body.

How does apple cider vinegar affect appetite, digestion, and bloating?

As mentioned, apple cider vinegar is often used to help suppress the appetite, and thereby assist in weight loss. Though it does suppress appetite, it does this by sucking water out of the cells of the stomach lining. In addition, acetic acid is perceived by the stomach as something toxic, and as a defense mechanism, the stomach instantly produces a layer of mucus as a barrier to keep the vinegar from entering its cells. This layer of mucus causes feelings of satiation, which suppresses the appetite in the short term.

As vinegar enters the stomach, the stomach glands start to release large storage bins of hydrochloric acid (HCL) to try and neutralize the acetic acid and break down the mucus produced by the stomach lining. This process may make someone feel like they are digesting better and may even relieve bloating for some people, but this is a temporary reaction. Over time this places a heavy burden on the stomach glands, depending on how much vinegar you ingest and the strength of the stomach glands. This may compromise the body’s ability to make sufficient levels of HCL, which can worsen digestion issues and cause additional bloating.

In addition, when acetic acid encounters salt in the body, a chemical reaction occurs that can cause chronic dehydration. As the vinegar begins to draw living water from cells and organs, the water is moved to the wrong places in the body. This can create the illusion that apple cider vinegar has led to weight loss, but in truth, the vinegar has created a state of dehydration in the body. In addition, the vinegar also begins to “pickle” organs by drawing water from cells and organs, driving toxins deeper into organ tissue.

Apple cider and acid reflux

Acid reflux is caused by unproductive gut bacteria, like strep, staph, and E. coli, that produce acid which moves up into the stomach and esophagus. When someone drinks or consumes vinegar the stomach glands begin to release large amounts of HCL to help neutralize bad acids. This can provide some relief for acid reflux, however, as the stomach glands wear out, acid reflux returns, and the digestive tract is further weakened, making things worse than before.

What about vinegar in foods?

When we consume vinegar, whether it is in a sauce, condiment, or dressing, the acetic acid in the vinegar depletes the body of the trace mineral calcium, which is used to neutralize acidity. When someone consumes vinegar, the body takes calcium from the bones and teeth to neutralize the acidic effect, thus depleting calcium levels over time, which leads to osteoporosis and erosion of tooth enamel.

How to use apple cider vinegar for topical use?

Topic use of apple cider vinegar is best. It’s a great cleaning product. From all vinegars-- organic, unrefined, unpasteurized, and unfiltered apple cider is best. It is loaded with trace minerals, micronutrients, antioxidants, and enzymes, and has many great topical uses.

Apple cider vinegar shampoos or rinse can be great for the scalp, helping to ease dermatitis and dandruff. Pouring apple cider vinegar into a foot bath with water can be helpful for surface wounds, open sores, foot fungus, athlete’s foot, poison ivy, or poison oak. Vinegar is a cleansing agent and can help clean wounds and draw out pus, however, it does not kill bacteria and should not be used in place of peroxide on surface wounds.

In Summary

If you want to include vinegar in your diet, organic, unrefined, unpasteurized, and unfiltered apple cider is your best choice. A healthy body can repair damage caused by acetic acid, however, if you are trying to cleanse your body or heal from a chronic illness, symptom, or condition - avoid consuming any type of vinegar.

Vinegar dehydrates the body from deep within the organs, glands, and connective tissue, preventing healing or cleansing, and over time may create complications. Vinegar preserves toxins, trapping them in your organs. Toxins require an abundance of water to dilute and flush them from our cells so they can safely exit the body.

For additional information on Chronic Dehydration.

A special thanks to Medical Medium for his generosity in sharing information to create optimal health