Healing and preventing kidney disease

What causes kidney disease, kidney stones and kidney failure?

Our body has different ways of filtering the blood and clearing out toxins from the body, and the kidneys play an essential role in this filtration system. When toxins enters our body, it is first processed in the liver, and then the toxins are passed along to the kidneys and intestinal tract for elimination.

The kidneys are like a strong pouch that has an external and internal “thick skin” which allows them to gather and contain the processed poisons until they are safely removed from the body via the bladder. It is important to realize that a significant amount of poison is stored within the kidney before its elimination, keeping it far away from areas of the body where these poisons would do much harm.

What causes damage to the kidneys?

Often we are told that the cause of kidney disease is high blood pressure, diabetes, or injury to the kidneys. While high blood pressure and diabetes do negatively affect the kidneys, they do not cause kidney disease. Physical injury to the kidneys (for example a car accident or direct blow to the kidneys), can certainly weaken the kidneys and lead to problems, however, the type of injury that usually harms the kidneys is damage due to medication.

Injury from medication

We all know that most medication has a toxic side to it, but we are often unaware of how the toxicity increases over time. While medication can be helpful, it is important to try and lower the toxic load caused by medication, particularly by medication that is not prescribed for the kidneys. If you are taking long term medication, ask your physician which medications are least important, and which can be replaced with a change in diet or herbs. Any medication we can lower or eliminate will greatly benefit the kidneys.

Injury due to viral activity

There are a number of Human Herpes Viruses (HHV) which can cause kidney disease. There are multiple strains of HHVs, some of which we are more familiar with, such as HHV6 and HHV7, and those that are less known such as HHV10, 11, and 12. Certain aspects of these viruses are not yet fully understood, and it is difficult to diagnose whether a virus is active in the kidneys or not. Whenever presented with kidney problems, it would be wise to adapt an antiviral regimen to lower the viral load. This may prevent the development of kidney disease, and can help to heal an already compromised kidney.

Kidney stones

As we mentioned earlier, the kidneys are a containment system for toxins, and like any containment system, sediment tends to gravitate to the bottom of the container. When we eat too much protein, particularly animal protein, and the wrong type of calcium (found mostly in dairy products, and some medications and supplements), this creates a type of “sludge” that can harden and become stone-like, creating what is known as kidney stones.

Many believe that protein is one of the most important macronutrients to focus on. This belief has created eating habits that places a focus on all forms of protein, especially animal products. Protein does play an important role in our diet; however, our bodies depend mostly on glucose and minerals found in fruits and vegetables. In actuality, we need very little protein, and an excess of protein, especially animal protein, weighs heavily on the body. When we eat an excess of protein the kidneys are entrusted with extracting this excess from our bodies. When dealing with kidney disease we want to cut down on all types of protein, especially animal protein.

Often people will say they feel hungry if they do not eat “enough protein”. Protein contains a high ratio of fat, making it a calorie dense food. When we reduce the amount of protein in our diet we need to significantly increase the amount of fruit and vegetables we eat, in order to supply the body with the calories it needs. When transferring to a more plant based diet, one of the best ways to ensure you are getting enough calories is to “graze” frequently throughout the day – making sure you eat some fruit and vegetables every hour and a half. This short video has some great ideas that make this easy to do.

Another good way to ensure that we are getting enough calories is by eating healthy, calorie-rich foods such as bananas, potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, quinoa, millet, and black beans.

When seeking to dissolve kidney stones it is important to build up hydrochloric acid with 16 oz of pure celery juice daily. Additional foods that help dissolve kidney stones include citrus fruit, cherries, cranberries (frozen, not dried), grapes, mangoes, pomegranates, asparagus (asparagus juice in particular), cucumber juice, leafy greens, artichokes, peaches, nectarines, plums, pineapples, melons, as well as burdock root and dandelion tea. 

If you suffer from kidney stones be sure to lower your intake of animal protein and eat plenty of these foods daily. You should also drink plenty of lemon/lime water upon waking and throughout the day.

Healing kidney disease

As we have already mentioned, the first step we need to take when seeking to heal kidney disease is to decrease the amount of protein in our diet. This does not necessarily mean you need to stop eating animal products, but rather it is important to eat smaller portions and less often. If you are a vegetarian, it is helpful to lower your intake of nuts and eliminate soy, dairy, and eggs, at least until the kidneys have healed. If you eat a vegan diet, keep away from protein powders and too many nuts and/or soy products. If you are worried that you are not getting enough protein, know that there is ample protein in most fruits, leafy greens, and vegetables, as well as in quinoa, spirulina, barley grass juice powder.

Foods that are helpful in restoring kidney health include straight cucumber juice and straight celery juice every day. Lemon water can also do wonders as it helps to flush out toxins. Melon, berries, and apples eaten daily are helpful in providing necessary nutrients and eliminating excess toxins.

Additional foods that support the kidneys include lettuce, zucchini, mangos, orange juice, and pears. Bananas, avocados, and figs are also very healing foods, however if you are on dialysis, these foods should be eaten in moderation, as they are rich in potassium.

Foods that should be avoided include diuretics such as tea and coffee, as well as foods that feed viruses such as eggs, dairy and canola oil.

Herbal infusions that can help support the kidneys include a bit of lemon balm, peppermint, and nettle. Important supplements to take when dealing with HHV is L-lysine and barley grass juice extract powder, due to their anti-viral properties.

The energetic side of the kidneys

We are first and foremost energetic beings, and like all energetic systems, the greater the ease and conductivity, the better the system works. The kidneys contain and filter toxins from within the body, and negative emotions and limiting beliefs are very toxic. Feelings of regret, remorse and guilt are particularly harmful to the kidneys.

When seeking to heal the kidneys, it is imperative we learn to create better conductivity and flow within our emotional body, which is expressed through the water element. As we learn to see a reality that reflects more ease and embrace life with gratitude, worthiness, and wellbeing, the area between the solar plexus and sacral center, the kidneys, begin to pulsate with greater vitality.

At times, it can be difficult to change perspectives, particularly when we are not doing well. However, a physical crisis can also be a great catalyst for change, by providing the necessary motivation to “reprogram” belief systems and change our perception of reality.

As we learn more about the true causes of disease, adapt a diet that has more healing foods, embrace and release negative emotions, and learn to create a more harmonious perception of reality - healing becomes a reality.

Beth Brayer

Information in this article is taken from Anthony William's website | Medical Medium