Vicky Freese-Brayer

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I have always had a deep love and appreciation of food. From growing produce at my parents small holding to my fascination with physiology and the biochemical interactions of nutrients within the body. Then there is my addiction to the creative process involved in cooking, plating, and of course tasting. I believe that food should be both nourishing and pleasurable.

Originally a midwife with a baking obsession, my own healing journey re-connected me to the innate healing power of the body and mind, and reminded me of the wonders of nature’s pharmacy. My introduction to therapeutic diets led me to experiment with gluten free, vegan recipes and from there to study nutritional medicine. Incorporating aspects from the Ayurvedic traditions of India, I cook and eat with the seasons, create feasts for the senses and aim to satisfy the 6 ayurvedic tastes: sweet, astringent, sour, salty, pungent and bitter to bring balance to the mind and body.

My cooking style is a fusion inspired by my studies in Nutritional Therapy and raw cuisine and from my own exploration into ayurveda and medicinal cookery. My aim is to bring you delicious and nutritious recipes that are easy to prepare. Delivering you wholesome food as close to its purest form as possible, as nature intended.

To see more of my work go to Vicky Freese-Brayer


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